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Nordic landlords are using Pop Up stores to solve the vacancy issues

Landlords in the Nordics are starting to lease out more and more spaces in prime locations to use Pop Up stores as a way to solve vacancy issues


Commercial areas and malls are the vital sections of any cities and retail industry. But we've seen increasing amounts of empty spaces across the cities due to pandemic. 

According to McKinsey 2021 report, brands are more inclined towards risk-aversive market-expansion decisions and prefer short-term rentals.

Södermalm, Stockholm

Landlords in the Nordics like Vasakronan and Wallenstram start leasing out more and more spaces in prime locations to use Pop Up stores as a way to solve vacancy issues.

T-Central, Stockholm

Pop up stores are short-term leasing which are perfect for brands to test out new markets and build communities with customers. It is also a perfect way for landlords to generate more traffic and build good street image.

HEDVIG pop up store, Stockholm

However both brands and landlords are trying to find a better way to find their perfect short-term matches. Data-analytics and efficient communication should be embedded in the process. 

But with xNomad's newly developed platform, now landlords can bridge with brands-in-need more efficiently. Now they only need to register their empty spaces  online, brands can have a direct information of open spaces. 

No need for endless geographical research and reaching out, xNomad now provide the most efficient way for landlords to solve their vacancy issues.

Fill your spaces with xNomad.